

Become UX Certified

The AcademyOfUX certification program offers a flexible, exam-based training which has helped many UX enthusiasts to upskill и да gain credibility start a new career, strengthen their versatile skills or even start their own business..
UX Professional
Take an UX Course
The complete course is available through the UX Fundamentals programme
Pass the final exam
Take the exam online with remote supervision with a 65% passing score
Become UX Professional
Earn your UX Professional title and your recognized certificate
UX Specialization
UX Specialization
UX Management, UX Research, UX Development or UX Interactions
Pass the final exam
Take the exam online with remote supervision with a 65% passing score
Become UX Specialized
Earn your UX Specialized accredited certificate

3 passed specializations automatically brings you the title UX Professional

Certificate duration

The courses and specialization programs are carefully selected and designed to give you a substantial and long-lasting foundation as a UX professional. That means if you get certified as a UX Professional or finish one of the offered specializations, the awarded certificate has no expiration date. Our mission is to encourage and support anyone interested in resuming to invest in their knowledge by upgrading their UX skills continuously as well as consistently educating themselves on new trends and practices. Every course has it’s own certificate issuance date, however with any additional specialization or training you receive an updated version with the added titles.

UX Certification benefits

Individual benefits

Invest in your professional development for career advancement. UX Certification shows fundamental focus in a specific UX field in addition to upgrading your skills, practices and approaches to problem solving with your colleagues, managers, clients or any given situation in your daily operations.

- Practical examples from real-world case studies covering all aspects of UX
- Strengthen your qualifications to advance in your career path
- You will invigorate your knowledge and express the same mastery as other experienced professionals in the field
- Even if you don't have a university degree, our UX Certification shows a commitment to continual growth and career advancement
- Assure others of the importance of UX in all business areas
- Receive a digital badge for your achievement for a quick rocket start in your new career
- Mastering new skills shows that you are focused, committed and constantly working on yourself in achieving a goal

Organizational benefits

UX certification will give advanced perspective to your team and bring freshness to your culture, where professionalism, commitment and a strategy of completely middle approach will be practised:

- You will introduce a language that everyone will speak, as you will simply hold the knowhow to make cohesion in any meeting
- Introducing expertise and a brand new view of all things around you
- New things mean a new start for a UX culture that exists only in the best worldwide organizations like Ebay, Spotify, Apple etc.
- Greater credibility and increased self-esteem towards the product will bring you a positive perception
- Balance the team so that you have UX professionals with different perspectives and professionalism, all equipped with one aim ― easy and efficient task execution
- Learn to hire the right people, because you will know the right-thinking approach
- You will save time and resources while staying focused on the end customers

Initialization (Title)

When you get your UX Certification, no matter whether it is a UX Professional or Specialization, you will receive designatory letters credentials which you are welcome to display after your name

UXP, for everyone having a UX Professional certification
UXS, for everyone having a UX Specialized certification

Exams and verifications

Professionals who have dedicated more than 30 hours in intensive UX training, and have shown a particular interest and commitment to learn and apply the given subject matter. The final exam only helps us to verify gained knowledge by keeping a standard of quailty and ensuring that no one leaves without a certain level of acquired knowledge. To become UX Certified everyone needs to go through rigorous training and take the 2-step procedure:

1. Successfully present the final project
* the project is presented in front of a client or a company

2. Successfully pass the final exam
* the exam contains 30 questions and can be taken max. 3 times with a 70%+ correct answers to be able to successfully pass.

⚠️  In case you do not submit the materials and exercises of the course within 30 days after the end of the course, you will not have the opportunity to take a final test and you will not receive a certificate or diploma. If you are late, but you give notice ahead of that you will submit them after the deadline, you have the opportunity to take the final exam with a surcharge of €85 in MKD equivalent

Preparation and materials

All of the questions that appear on the final exam are covered during the lessons and are usually found in the working slides and materials. Taking the exam is easier if you physically attend all the classes and closely follow the lecturers. Before taking the test we would advise you to:

- Go trough all PDF Materials from the training/course
- Take a second look over your personal notes
- Book a consultation with your mentors to be able to clear any ambiguities

* You do not need to read additional articles, books or some other off-the-shelf materials to pass the exam.

Ready to get started? Register for training and certification 🤘